Setlists marked with a have been confirmed

Shows marked with a are known to have been recorded in some form

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02-07-02 Conduit Trenton NJ

:: set I :: (acoustic)
Don't Shit Where You Eat, Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?, Back to Basom, Chocolate Town*, She's Your Baby, Freedom of '76, Pandy Fackler, Baby Bitch, The Mollusk, Mutilated Lips, Joppa Road*, I Can't Put My Finger on It, Sorry Charlie, Ohio, If You Could Save Yourself You'd Save Us All*

:: set II:: (electric)
You Were the Fool, Band on the Run, Pork Roll Egg & Cheese, Roses are Free, The Stallion Pt. 3, Transdermal Celebration*, Sweet Texas Fire, Fancy Pants*, Bananas & Blow, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Ooh va la*, Zoloft*, It's Gonna Be a Long Night*, The Stallion Pt. 5, Buckingham Green.

* = 1st time played

02-21-02 The Point Bryn Mawr PA

:: set I :: (all acoustic)
squelch the weasel, what deaner was talking about, chocolate town, pony, aids, you were the fool, freedom of 76, pandy fackler, shes your baby, right to the ways and the rules..., dont get too close 2 my fantasy, back to basom, flutes of the chi, joppa road, the mollusk

:: set II :: (all acoustic)
mutilated lips, zoloft, cant put my finger on it, fancy pants, all things must pass (george harrison), help me scrape the mucus off my brain, if you can save yourself..., tender situation, someday *, birthday boy, papa zit, el camino, someday **

* = 1st time played
** = 2nd time played

03-21-02 Sterling Hotel Allentown PA

ice castles, golden eel, what deaner was talking about, bananas & blow, roses are free, flutes of chi, captain fantasy, take me away, waving my dick in the wind, transdermal celebration, buckingham green, albino sunburned girl, ooh va la, never squeel on the pusher, dr. rock, springtheme(feat.rev. bill fowler), push tha' little daises, the mollusk, don't laugh(i love u), puerto rican power, touch my tooter,frank, if you could save yourself, you'd save us all, johnny on the spot, piss up a rope, spinal meningitis, tear 4 eddie(feat.rev.bill fowler), polka dot tail (feat.rev.bill fowler), zoloft, someday
exactly where i'm at, voodoo lady

04-19-02 Thomas Wolfe Auditorium Asheville NC

buckingham green, spinal meningitis, now i'm freaking out, stallion 3, bananas and blow, take me away, don't get too close to my fantasy, freedom of 76, voodoo lady, mutilated lips, exactly where i'm at, roses are free, piss up a rope, ooh vah la, the mollusk, waving my dick in the wind, touch my tooter, dr rock, pandy fackler, pony, pumpin 4 the man, goin gets tough from the getgo, johnny on the spot, don't sweat it, zoloft, someday, aids
you fucked up, sketches of winkle, don't squeal on the pusher, i can't put my finger on it

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/19 -Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, Asheville, NC--Usually we try and start a tour in a smallish bar or something, but this was a big ass auditorium, something like 2,000 people came out. I have no idea how we went from playing the "Be Here Now" last year (which holds 350 people), to this place. One way or another it was a pretty great way to kick off this short tour. After the show we got drunk and shot pool
at our hotel bar, which had a cover band playing lots of Skynyrd. later on, some douchebag kid knocked on my hotel room door, and said "yo dean, what was it like playing with those Nashville guys?", like he had waited his whole life to fuckin' ask me that stupid shit and had to knock at 3am just to hear my answer.

04-20-02 Guilford College Greensboro NC

Dancin' In The Show Tonight, Take Me Away, Captain Fantasy, Mr. Richard Smoker, Waving My Dick In The Wind, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Bananas And Blow, Piss Up A Rope, Buckingham Green, Frank, Mollusk, I gots a weasel (tease, no vocals), Push The Daisies, Don't Laugh (I Love You), Roses Are Free, Sorry Charlie, Pandy Fackler, Ice Castles, Final Alarm, Puertorican Power, Zoloft, If You Could Save Yourself you'd Save us All, Buenas Tardes

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/20 - Guilford College, Greensboro NC--We got to the campus in the early afternoon, it looked
like there were maybe 150 people on the whole grounds of the place---I got the impression that rather than stick around for their spring festival, the students all went home instead. The show was completely sold out in advance (1,200 tickets), but this place would've held twice as many. In my opinion this show suffered from what would become a common thing on this tour--- when you play college campuses there is almost always no alcohol allowed, and no smoking cigarettes or anything else---on 4/20 no less. This only applies to the audience obviously, we're up there chain-smoking and drinking the entire time, inadvertently rubbing people's faces in it. I thought we played very well, but after 2 hours and 15 minutes I felt like we had left the crowd behind or something. For this reason we decided not to play any encore---and that was unfortunately all anyone seemed to focus on after the show ended. live and learn i guess.

04-21-02 The Plex North Charleston SC

Exactly, She Wanted to leave, Piss up a rope, The Grobe, Baby bitch, Tick, Wavin my Dick in the wind, Richard Smoker, PAPA ZIT, Stallion, Im in the mood, Bananas & Blow, Roses, Back to Basom, Marble Tulip, Ooh Va La, Spinal Menengitis, Albino Sunburned girl, Ocean man, Joppa rd., Birthday boy, Shes your Baby, Take me away, Dr rock, Voodoo Lady, The enabler, Buckingham Green, Nan, Never squeal, Someday

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/21 - The Plex, North Charleston, SC ----This was a new venue for us, we usually play the
Music Farm when we're in Charleston. They hooked us up with a kick-ass meal before we played, which is a rarity on tour and much appreciated. Probably one of the best shows that we've played this year except for the Columbia show. Maybe it was the food, or maybe it just took us a couple days to get the ball rolling, but for whatever reason everything kinda fell into place musically for us on this night. People started throwing 20 dollar bills onstage with requests written on them, we played a whole mess of the requests and bought ecstasy with the cash after the show. From there we went out and spent the night getting lap danced on X in Charleston's seedier clubs. Actually I'm lying---we just got on the bus and drove to Kentucky overnight. All 'n all a great night.

04-23-02   Kentucky Theater Lexington KY

Now I'm Freaking Out, Don't Shit Where You Eat, Springtheme,

Don't Shit Where You Eat, Piss Up A Rope, Spinal Memingitis, Now I'm Freaking Out, Help My Pony, Richard Smoker, Waving My Dick In The Wind, Take Me Away, Puertorican Power, Bananas & Blow, Voodoo Lady, Springtheme, Push The Daisies, Roses Are Free, Mollusk, Ocean Man, Jopa Road, Exactly Where I'm At, HIV, Laura, Goin Gets Tough, Johnny On The Spot, Dr Rock,
Buckingham Green, Sorry Charlie, Big Jilm, Stroker Ace, You Fucked Up, Hot For Teacher, Someday.

Deaner's Tour Diaries:4/23 - Kentucky Theater, Lexington, KY---This was our first time in Lexington and I was
impressed by how clean the city was---also, there wasn't a soul on the street after dark. Mick Preston and I generally will walk or drive as far as we have to go to find a Waffle House when we're on tour, but we ended up settling for a Huddle House instead, which to my surprise was every bit as delicious--even though it's an obvious rip-off of the real thing, right down to the pecan waffles and scattered and smothered hash browns and shit. This was a really cool old theater, and directly adjacent to the concert was the Miss Gay Kentucky drag queen paegant. I don't remember much about this show, except I thought we played pretty solid and we hit some bar afterwards and then some house party, and then a second trip to the Huddle House.

04-24-02 Axis Bloomington IN
Buckingham Green, Stallion Pt. 3, The HIV Song, Spinal Menningitis, Bananas & Blow, Voodoo Lady, Exactly Where I'm At, Mutilated Lips, Take Me Away, Waving My Dick In The Wind, You Fucked Up, Tick, Tear For Eddie, Sorry Charlie, Roses Are Free, The Mollusk, Frank, Pumpin' For The Man, Touch My Tooter, Never Squeal, Dr. Rock, Can't Put My Finger On It ,
Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy), Mr. Richard Smoker, Put The Coke On My Dick, LMLYP

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/24 - Axis, Bloomington, IN--This was our first time ever playing in Indiana, and the crowd
was ready to tear the roof off the club by the time we hit the stage. I felt like shit thru most of this show and almost puked all over my amp during "Doctor Rock." This was one of three nights on the tour where I got to watch my team (the Flyers of course) get shutout about 15 minutes before it was time to play, and it put me
in a really bitter, fucked up mindframe all 3 times. I was kind of thankful when Ottawa finally
laid a mercy-killing on their sorry asses. Anyway, the gig was great, it was a fuckin sweatbox in this joint, but we gave it up punk-rock style for Indiana.

04-25-02   Univ. of Iowa Main Lounge Iowa City IA


Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/25 - Univ. of Iowa Main Lounge, Iowa City, IA---This room was a big square box with
carpeting----again, no smoking and no drinking allowed, but over 2,000 people showed up and we played our asses off. Me, Claude, and Mick had lunch at Hamburg Inn, which is supposed to be famous for it's burgers and shakes or something. After we kicked Iowa City's ass with our rock and roll, we went out to a bar and Mick Preston and I held the pool table for the entire night----I bet we must've won 25 consecutive games. I'm sorry I don't have any better tour stories from this tour, but look at where the fuck we played---Greensboro, Bloomington, Carbondale....I mean what the fuck are we gonna do, fuck sheep and tip cows after the gigs?

04-26-02   Missouri Theater Columbia MO

HIV, Golden Eel, Stallion pt 3, Dont Get 2 Close, Waving My Dick In The Wind, Nan, Dr Rock, Voodoo Lady, Take Me Away, Mr. Richard Smoker, Help My Pony, Puertorican Power, Touch My Tooter, Pandy Fackler, Ocean Man, Roses Are Free, Zoloft, Bananas & Blow, Sorry Charlie, Mollusk, Buckingham Green, What Deaner Was Talkin About, Right To The Ways & The Rules Of The World, Johnny On The Spot, You Fucked Up, Homo Rainbow
Exactly Where I'm At, Spinal Meningitis, Joppa Road, Never Squeal On The Pusher (15min with Glenn theremin solo)

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/26 - Missouri Theater, Columbia, MO--As I mentioned before, this was pretty much the most
inspired show we've played in a very long time---I really have no idea what makes one night better than any other, because I felt like ass before this show and was pretty much exhausted. It had been about 7 or 8 years since we were last in Columbia---last time was the night that the 30 minute live version of "Poopship Destroyer" on PTTB was recorded and this gig was probably better than that one. One of the highlights for me was the 15 minute version of "Never Squeal on the Pusher" that we played to close the show----Glenn took a fucking wicked theremin solo that set this whole show over the top. Other than that, we pulled out some tunes we haven't played in a while and had an awesome time in Columbia.

04-27-02 Shyrock Auditorium, Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL

She wanted to leave, The Grobe, Spinal Meningitis, Piss up a rope, Take me away, Don't get 2 close, Mr. Richard smoker, wavin' my dick in the wind, voodoo lady, springtheme, freedom, exactly where I'm at, mutilated lips, bananas and blow, pumpin 4 the man, roses r free, the mollusk, baby bitch, oceanman, deez nuts, sketches of winkles, you fucked up, dr. rock, intro to finger> ICPMFOI, touch my tooter, goin' gets tuff, buckingham green, if you could save yourself you'd save us all
AIDS, What deaner was talkin about, ohio, tender situation, booze me up, buenas tardes

Deaner's Tour Diaries:
4/27 - Shryock Auditorium, Southern Illinois U, Carbondale, IL----One more show with no
alcohol or smoking for the audience---this was a really cool auditorium, unlike any other that I can remember playing----like a U shaped theater with a balcony that wrapped from the left side of the stage to the right. We had a really strong show and finished with the best version of "Buenas Tardes Amigo" we ever did---we all basically agree that we wouldn't give a shit if we ever played that one or "The Blarney Stone" again in this lifetime---but maybe the time off from playing it helped us get back into the heart of it. After this show we were all feelin pretty good about the tour and decided to go out---well it looked like the world was about to come to an end, the nastiest storm I've ever seen was developing, like gravel was blowing off the pavement into the air. We drove thru it on the way home---about 1,000 miles. Next day we found out that it was the tornado that killed 11 people in the mid-west----4 died 20 miles south of Carbondale. The wrath of the Boognish strikes down the haters and non-believers.

05-03-02 Haverford College (Students Only) Haverford PA

She Wanted To Leave, The Grobe, Spinal Meningitis, Piss Up A Rope, Take Me Away, Don't Get 2 Close, Mr Richard Smoker, Wavin' My Dick In the Wind, Voodoo Lady, Springtheme, Freedom of '76, Exactly Where I'm At, Mutilated Lips, Bananas & Blow, Roses Are Free, The Mollusk, Baby Bitch, Ocean Man, Sketches of Winkle, You Fucked Up, Dr Rock, Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo, Touch My Tooter, Never Squeal (15min with Glenn solo)
Buckingham Green, LMLYP
LMLYP Reprise Jam

05-05-02 Princeton University Princeton NJ

Buckingham Green, What Deaner Was Talking About, Now I'm Freaking Out, Captain Fantasy, Take Me Away, Freedom of '76, Wavin' My Dick in the Wind, Tick, Mr. Richard Smoker, Mr. Would You Please Help My Pony?, Bananas & Blow, Roses Are Free, Flutes of the Chi, Ooh Va Lah, Spinal Meningitis, Stallion pt 3, Voodoo Lady, Exactly Where I'm At, The Mollusk, Push The Little Daisies, Ocean Man, Band on the Run, Johnny on the Spot, Dr Rock, Pandy Fackler, Someday

05-25-02 Mountain Aire Festival Calaveras County CA

Ice Castles, Golden Eel, Spinal, Baby Bitch, Take Me Away, Richard Smoker, Wavin' my dick, Freedom, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Bananas And Blow, The Mollusk, Roses Are Free, Zoloft, Captain Fantasy, Dr. Rock, Buckingham, Back To Basom, You Fucked Up, Touch My Tooter, Finger
Buenos Tardes Amigos

06-20-02 Recher Theatre Towson MD
she wanted to leave, golden eel, spinal men, Baby bitch, take me away, waving my dick, richard smoker, voodoo lady, albino sunburn girl, MARBLE TULIP, mollusk, roses are free, zoloft, never squeal, touch my tooter, chant>finger, bananas and blow, booze me up , ocean man, Joppa Road (deaner on acoustic), Dr Rock, puerto rican power, johnny on the spot, buckingham green ,
don't shit, piss up a rope, you fucked up, someday.
06-21-02 NORVA Norfolk VA

Capt Fantasy, Don't Get Too Close...., Ice Castles, HIV Song, Spinal Mengitis, Now I'm Freaking Out, Stallion Pt. 3, Bananas & Blow, Voodoo Lady, Springtheme, What Deaner Was Talking About, Buckingham Green, Mutilated Lips, Roses are Free, Zoloft, Oceanman, Joppa Rd - Dean on acoustic, Take Me Away, Waving My Dick...., Stroker Ace, Pandy Fackler, Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?, Stallion Pt 5, The Enabler - Dave on vocals, The Mollusk, Someday,
Dr. Rock,You Fucked Up, Poopship Destroyer.

06-23-02 Bonnaroo Festival Manchester TN
Buckingham Green, AIDS, Spinal Meningitis, Baby Bitch, Piss Up a Rope, Take Me Away, Mr. Richard Smoker, Wavin' my Dick in the Wind, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Bananas and Blow, Roses R Free, Zoloft, The Mollusk, Dr. Rock, Touch my Tooter, Can't put my finger on it w/ intro, Pandy Fackler, Someday
Buenos Tardes, Amigo
07-27-02 Maxwell's Hoboken, NJ Gene Ween (solo)

Gener solo, but w/ Dave Driewitz from Mountain & Buffalo to the end

The Argus (new song), Stallion pt. 4, I Don't Want It - (new song), Transdermal Celebration, So Long Jerry, Mountains and Buffalo (new song), Boing, Girl Don't Tell Me (beach boys cover), Pork Roll Egg and Cheese, Stay Forever, Greg the Bunny

08-22-02   Whiskey Bar - Claude Aid Hoboken NJ

Just Dean & Gene with the DAT.

You Fucked Up, Common Bitch, Cover it with Gas and set it on fire, Sloppy Seconds, I Can't put my finger on it, ode to rene, papa zit, L.M.L.Y.P.

10-06-02 Matinee John & Peters New Hope PA

Ween was: Gene, Dean, Dave, Glenn, Josh Freese on drums...............

Mig called it "Breakfast w/ Ween"

Mama Told Me Not To Come, Back To Basom

Dancin' In the Show, Golden Eel, The Stallion Pt. 3, Piss Up A Rope, Take Me Away, Freedom of 76', Mr. Richard Smoker, Touch My Tooter, Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy), Transdermal Celebration, Roses Are Free, Bananas & Blow, Push Tha Little Daisies, I Don't Want It (new song, slow), Marble Tulip Juicy Tree, Albino Sunburned Girl, Zoloft, Captain Fantasy, Dr. Rock, Pandy Fackler, Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?, Someday

First show with Josh Freese on drums

10-06-02 Late Show John & Peters New Hope PA

intro chatter, the mollusk, hiv song, spinal menengitis, buckingham green, back to basom, take me away, wavin' my dick in the wind, stroker ace, ice castles -> voodoo lady, baby bitch, sarah, spring theme, exactly where i'm at, what deaner was talkin' about , bananas and blow, oh va la, booze me up and get me high, fat lenny, ocean man, johnny on the spot, you fucked up, i can't put my finger on it, zoloft, big jilm, buenos tardes amigos

Whole show with Josh Freese on drums

10-07-02 The Bowery Ballroom (Claude Aid) NYC NY

take me away, captain fantasy, dont get 2 close, waving my dick in the wind, mr richard smoker, bananas & blow, roses are free, push the lil daisies, mollusk, oceanman, johnny on the spot, zoloft, buckingham green, hiv, spinal meningitis, marble tulip > up on the hill > marble tulip, back to basom, stroker ace, you fucked up, dr rock, touch my tooter, voodoo lady

Whole show with Josh Freese on drums

10-08-02 The Bowery Ballroom (Claude Aid) NYC NY
Ice Castles, Golden eel, Stallion 3, Piss up a rope, Spinal Menengitis, Take me away, Wavin my dick, Banannas and blow, Voodoo Lady, Sunburn Albino Girl, Oh Va La, Dr. Rock, Fat Lenny, Booze me up, Roses are free, The Mollusk, Spring Theme, Exactly where I'm at, You fucked up, Stroker Ace, I can't Put my finger on it, Zoloft, Buckingham Green, If you could save yourself

Whole show with Josh Freese on drums
10-31-02   MILLENNIUM CENTER Winston-Salem NC

Ice Castles, Golden Eel, The Stallion Pt. 3, Spinal Meningitis, Piss Up a Rope, Marble Tuliup Juicy Tree, Captian Fantasy, Take Me Away, Fat Lenny, Waving My Dick In The Wind, Richard Smoker, Stroker Ace, Bananas & Blow, Voodoo Lady, Albino Sunburned Girl, Mollusk, Roses Are Free, ZOLOFT, You Fucked Up, Touch My Tooter, Dr. Rock ,Springtheme, AIDS, Booze Me Up & Get Me High, Johnny On The Spot, Someday
Buckingham Green

Whole show with Josh Freese on drums

11-01-02 House Of Blues Mrytle Beach, SC  

Buckingham, What Deaner Was Talking About, Spinal, Back 2 Basom , Piss Up A Rope, Bananas & Blow, Roses Are Free, Push The Little Daisies, Mollusk, Take Me Away, Dick Smoker, Stroker Ace, Pandy Fackler, Voodoo Lady, Baby Bitch, Big Jilm, Pony, Ocean Man, Johnny On The Spot, Cant Put My Finger OnIit, Dr Rock, Fat Lenny, Sketches of Winkle, Zoloft, She's Your Baby *, Tender Situation, Ohio
You Fucked Up, Touch My Tooter, Someday

* - Glenn & Papa Gene alone
Whole show with Josh Freese on drums

11-30-02 John & Peter's New Hope, PA The Tenderloin

Get Together (The Youngbloods)
I Gotta Move (The Kinks)
Runnin' With The Devil (Van Halen)
Sundown (Gordon Lightfoot)
Keep On Rockin In The Free World (Neil Young)
Rock On (David Essex)
Jump Into The Fire (Harry Nilsson)
Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)
Spirit In The Night (Bruce Springsteen)
Knights In White Satin (Moody Blues)
Only Love Can Break Your Heart (Neil Young)
Show Me The Way That You Love (Chris Harford)
Bag o' Weed (Nate Dogg)

(Dean Ween, Dave D., Andrew Weiss, Rev. B-Ill, Doo Doo Brown, Tomato, Chris Harford))

12-09-02   North Six Brooklyn, NY Gene Ween & Friends

Mountains & Buffalo, The Stallion Pt. 3, The Stallion Pt. 4, She's Your Baby, I Don't Want It, Kansas City Star, Chocolate Town, You Were The Fool, What Deaner Was Talking About, Little Birdy, Voodoo Lady, Joppa Road, Sarah, The Mollusk, If You Could Save Yourself, You'd Save Us All

Originally scheduled as a Gene Ween solo show. Gene is instead
joined by Dean, Dave, and the courageous return of Claude Coleman.
This is Claude's first show back on the drums after his horrible
car accident barely four months earlier

12-30-02   John & Peter's New Hope, PA Brookridge Boys

1. In The Flesh (Pink Floyd)
2. Thin Ice (Pink Floyd)
3. Dirty Deeds (AC/DC) (w/ Guy Heller on vox)
4. Candyman (Grateful Dead)
5. Auld Lang Syne
6. Rocking In The Free World (Neil Young)
7. Fire (Jimi Hendrix)
8. Springtheme (w/ BogadaciousG on vox)
9. The Man Who Sold The World (David Bowie) (w/ Guy Heller on vox)
10. Golden Years (David Bowie) (w/ Guy Heller on vox)
11. Secret Agent Man (DEVO)
12. Maneater (Hall & Oats)

1. talking
2. Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain (Grateful Dead)
3. Come As You Are (Nirvana)
4. Cowgirl In The Sand (Neil Young)
5. The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)
6. Rock And Roll All Night (KISS)

Dean Ween - guitar; Mean Ween - bass; Rev B-Ill - guitar;
Josh ? - drums; Claude - drums; Guy Heller - vocals;
BogadaciousG - vocals; ? others on guitar; ? on bass.